Achievements 2.0 create screen sneak-peak

Achievements plugin Create screen
Current version of the Create Achievements screen.

12 thoughts on “Achievements 2.0 create screen sneak-peak

  1. Looks sweet!

    Will we be able to assign an image to be used for each achievement through the new admin panel too?




  2. Hi John, thanks for writing.

    Yes; after an Achievement is created (per screenshot), it redirects to that Achievement’s “Detail view” page. There will be an option in the nav on this page to select an image, from the WordPress Media Library; currently working on this at the moment.


  3. Thanks for the update, I’m looking forward to the new version!

    It looks like you are using Chrome….Good Man! A handy little extension you might want to use for Chrome is called “Webpage Screenshot” it has two options to “Capture the Whole Page” or “Capture Visible Screen”

    It might come in handy for you when creating screen shots for the blog etc as it can display the whole page.

    You can check it out here:

    Keep up the awesome work.




  4. Looks good. Would it be possible to have an option to factor in a time variable that will trigger removal of a badge…thinking in terms of a “Active Member” badge for example, it is removed when Member hasn’t been active in more than X time. wouldn’t do this for all badges but thinking more for a settting the option on a set of badges that carry a diminishing value after you earn it.


    1. Hi Nahum, thanks for writing.
      I hadn’t thought of that. It won’t make the first release, but it might after that. I’ll have to think through how it’d work.


    1. You’ll be able to hit a button and it will check if anyone has already met the criteria for an achievement, and grant it if appropriate. I can’t promise this make the first release. Timeline/eta coming soon


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