Welcome Pack and BuddyPress 1.2.4

For those people using Welcome Pack, please be aware there is a new release of BuddyPress, version 1.2.4, out at the end of this week. The email feature of Welcome Pack might stop working until I get an update out, which I shall endeavour to do as soon as possible; might not be until after the first weekend.

7 thoughts on “Welcome Pack and BuddyPress 1.2.4

  1. Ahhhh…that explains it. Custom welcome not working after I installed 1.2.4.

    Rats! And i was taking the site live this weekend.


    1. Duck
      I’ve just checked it out, tested it on a clean WP 3.0 + BP 1.2.4 install, and both email and the welcome messages/groups etc work fine with this release.

      Can you give me some details of your problem, perhaps? paul at byotos.com. Thanks.


      1. No its not working. As you were expecting it is giving some error related to admin.js. Firstly I thought it might be some internet explorer problem but firefox is also not giving any different result.

        Custom email option is not working. Please help!


  2. Welcome Pack works fine on my WPMU 2.9.2 + BP 1.2.4 install. YES!

    I do, however, have another request. Please refer to the following forum posts. I could really use your help. I’m aiming for admins to moderate user registration on my “closed” website.



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