Achievements 2.0 October update

The first version of Achievements is almost ready for release. However, BuddyPress 1.2.6, which Achievements requires, isn’t. I will not be releasing Achievements until BuddyPress 1.2.6 has been.

Consider this a private beta period. If you want your hands on Achievements now, and know how to use SVN and how to obtain the BuddyPress 1.2 branch (this will become the 1.2.6 release), leave a reply here and I’ll send you the details.

I apologise for any inconvenience this delay will cause your projects, but I’ll be using this extra time to continue improving Achievements.

29 thoughts on “Achievements 2.0 October update

    1. James — I think I’ve sent the details to you previously; those same details still apply. Let me know if you never got it previously (a few weeks ago), and I’ll re-send. Cheers.


    1. Hi – I think you were already on my mailing list. If you haven’t received my previous emails, let me know and I’ll resend. Thanks.


  1. Why is it you are unable to create new achievements in Version 1.23, but you are able to create additional categories? This seems to be a bug- maybe it didn’t install correctly on my wordpress install? Doesn’t look like there’s a support forum for this plugin version that’s active to ask others if they’ve run into the same problem, which is why I’m posting here.

    As for Achievements 2.0 – can one create their own achievements? Example: I have a founder’s club for the first 1,000 users on my site, along with other special achievements and awards related to polls and quizzes. I would also like to create custom badges/award achievements for special posts/forum topics that are really outstanding. There should be a way for the website owner to add custom achievements. Thank you.


  2. Just a feature request. Can we have external triggers? I plan to use this in my wordpress flash arcade. I would like to trigger an achievement from the flash game. I can run any php, database code through it. So any ways to have custom triggers for achievements?


    1. All you need to do would be to build a function in WordPress that intercepts an appropriate AJAX request generated by your external app, and it’d work. Email me if you need a pointer how to do this.


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