Update plans for plugins after BuddyPress 1.5

BuddyPress 1.5 is really close to release now (really!). I’ve started on a much-needed update of Welcome Pack, to bring it up to date for the latest versions of WordPress and BuddyPress, and planned features which will enhance the email customisation options.

After that’s done, BP Labs will probably be next, as I want to continue building on the Akismet integration; I think that will be really popular once word gets around.

Then Achievements. πŸ™‚

12 thoughts on “Update plans for plugins after BuddyPress 1.5

  1. I’m looking very, very, forward to using Welcome Pack again! πŸ™‚ Can’t wait. May I kindly suggest that you do one upgrade to make it compatible with BP 1.5 so we could use that in the mean time, and then upgrade it again with the planned new features, so we can begin using it sooner πŸ™‚

    Oh, and does the BP Labs autosuggest use the same autosuggest as the one in Compose Message? Because it would make more sense to me if it did, because it does a great job at autosuggest as well, and it would cut down on code and whatnot since you could just reuse it. Just wondering, as I have absolutely no idea πŸ™‚


    1. Hi Mike,
      I’ve actually had a mostly updated Welcome Pack ready for some time, but I hadn’t released it, so your suggestion is definitely possible. Someone also sent me a couple of patches for Achievements and Welcome Pack, to help bring them up to date, which was super helpful, too!

      I’m going to start on the email changes and see how long that looks like taking; depending on when BP 1.5 hits, if I have to release the “make it work” version, I will.

      RE: Labs autosuggest. No it doesn’t; partly because I wanted to learn how to build a jQuery plugin. I think mine does a better job of regex parsing input for user names, but my plan is to try to use the standard autocomplete script (which is what Compose Message, and the P2 theme, both use) and test how that works πŸ™‚


    1. But I’m already half-done on Welcome Pack πŸ™‚ (To those interested, the time remaining is to build a new feature to Welcome Pack, not a compatibility fix)


  2. Just to update: Welcome Pack coming along pretty well for BuddyPress 1.5 compatibility. If I can’t finish re-building the email customisation feature by next weekend, I’ll release a version with that feature disabled for the time being. I’ve done the front end stuff, I just need to figure out some clever plumbing on the backend


  3. Paul Gibbs, your fast response on updating plugins for BuddyPress version 1.5… are very much appreciated πŸ™‚

    Today I’m starting my first site powered by BuddyPress, why now? mostly because… now I really believe in the success of BuddyPress, version 1.5 looks pretty major… this is like high school diploma for bp πŸ™‚

    Thank you for your contribution to the community!


  4. Now when BuddyPress 1.5 has been released, hundreds of bug, enhancements, and all-new features are fixed. Thank you!!


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